With Children Against Obesity

Better today to deal with 2 kg overweight than in two years 20 kg of obesity

To whom to turn for advice

To whom to turn for advice

With the suspicion of overweight and obesity is best going to a GP for children and adolescents who knows the child´s background and opportunities close to home. With severe obesity it is advisable to consult the local endocrinologist who will help in the diagnosis and therapeutic care. Patients with overweight and light obesity are recommended to obesitological counselling. Obesitological surgeries are designed for complicated childhood obesity. On a global scale, the Czech Republic has a unique network of sanatoria with 3 week treatment regime and spas with 4 week intensive treatment of childhood obesity. The sanatoria and spas achieve excellent short-term results, but for long-term effects it´ll be necessary long-term cooperation with nutritional consultant.

Children obesitologists

Children Obesity Centre FN Motol

Department of Pediatrics, FN Motol a 2. LF UK Praha, V Úvalu 84, Praha 5
Telefon: 224433816, 224432001
E-mail: Zlatko.Marinov@fnmotol.cz
Web: www.pediatrie-motol.cz

List of children´s obesitological surgeries

Children endocrinological, diabetological and obesitological surgery VFN Praha
MUDr. Jitka Kytnarová
Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství VFN a 1. LF UK
Ke Karlovu 2, Praha 2
Telefon: 224967741
E-mail: jkytn@lf1.cuni.cz
Web: kddl.lf1.cuni.cz/odd…

Children obesitological surgery, Institute of Endocrinology Praha
MUDr. Renata Pilcová, Ph.D.
Národní 8, 116 94 Praha 1
Telefon: 224905274
Telefon 2: 224905304
Web: www.endo.cz

Children endocrinological and obesitological surgery FNKV Praha
MUDr. Marie Finková
MUDr. Irena Aldhoon Hainerová, Ph.D.
Klinika dětí a dorostu FNKV a 3. LF UK
Šrobárova 50, Praha 10
Telefon: 267 162 555
Telefon 2: 267 162 854
E-mail: finkova@fnkv.cz
E-mail 2: ihainer@hotmail.com
Web: www.fnkv.cz/?show=kl…

Children endocrinological, diabetological and obesitological surgery FN Hradec Králové
MUDr. Ivana Plášilová, MUDr. Kristýna Burešová, MUDr. David Neumann, Ph.D.
Sokolská 581, 500 05 Hradec Králové
Telefon: 495834868 (dr. Plášilová, dr. Neumann)
Telefon 2: 495833474 (dr. Burešová)
E-mail: iplasil@seznam.cz
E-mail 2: kristyna.buresova@se…neumann@fnhk.cz
Web: www.fnhk.cz/cze/inde…

Children endocrinological and obesitological surgery Pardubice
MUDr. Ivana Plášilová
Rokycanova 2798, 530 03 Pardubice
Telefon: 466414056
E-mail: iplasil@seznam.cz

Obesitological surgery Vítkovice
MUDr. Jan Boženský
Department of Pediatrics Vítkovická nemocnice a.s
Zalužanského 1192/15, 703 84 Ostrava – Vítkovice
Telefon: 595633551
Telefon 2: 595633530
E-mail: jan.bozensky@nemvitk…
Web: www.nemvitkovice.cz/…

Children obesitological surgeryAdolescent Medicine surgery, Department of Pediatrics FN in Ostrava
MUDr. Zita Obdržálková, every Tuesday
17. listopadu 1790, Ostrava – Poruba
Telefon: 597 373 528
E-mail: zita.obdrzalkova@fns…

Children obesitological surgery FN Plzeň
MUDr. Krčková Petra
MUDr. Botková Hana
Department of Pediatrics FN a LF UK v Plzni
Alej Svobody 80, 30460 Plzeň
Telefon: 377104669
E-mail: krckovap@fnplzen.cz
Web: www.fnplzen.cz/praco…